Miss Kayalvizhi Sethukarasu is an Established Indian contemporary and abstract artist. She graduated with B.V.A from Bharathiyar Palkalai Koodam Pondicherry Fine Arts College, INDIA. An ambitious individual with the ultimate determination to embrace my art with every aspect of the village lifestyle and village environment in INDIA. My thoughts are wired to strike each of my hands moving from the palette to the canvas to paint the authenticity of every village and honor its aura through thy narrative landscapes.
When the world looked to the west to enrich their lives, I travel to my roots to understand the cultural inheritance for generations in each village life in INDIA and depict them through my works. My collections are cataloged with the life at peace, purity, and serenity of villages engulfed in the exotic greenery. The realness of every village and its originality is depicted with every minute detailing in my art. In the entire journey of my art today I am mesmerized by the beauty of the village lake placid, the hush silence at the arena where everyone relaxes, to cherish the natural stagnant waters slushed with green floras decorated by countable vibrant lotus buds waiting to bloom to illuminate the garnished greenery.
As an artist, my above prefix summarizes my soul and my earnest desire is to preserve the authentic culture of dying traditions and portray them with soothing, refreshing, and every corresponding color adding luminous to reality only to prove them the eternal vessel with an immeasurable treasure for eternity. The reach has gone transnational to reminisce the history along with generations through my artistic depiction which is rewarding and received many acclamations for its artistic imitation.
My Abstract Landscape, which connects the lushness of nature and gives serenity, has been part of International and National exhibitions and found homes in many prominent Private and personal collectors.